This isn’t a fairytale. He’s not my dream man and I’m not his curvy princess.
I’m not a damsel waiting for a man to save me.
Yet, that’s how I met Jonathan. I’m used to corporate dudes with portfolios and sickening six-packs. Not a man still finding himself and that covers me like a cozy blanket.
Jon’s not a rich guy trying to wine and dine me.
But he cooks at Southern Soul Raleigh for a living. And for the record, he isn’t my type. Yet I find myself looking forward to the next time I’ll see him again.
Jonathan Montgomery just is.
Big smile.
Bigger heart.
The absolute best laugh.
Bestie material. Someone to kick it with while I explore Raleigh.
No…he’s not that either. He’s something more.
Jon’s the man that has me questioning my decisions. Where I’ll live? What my future looks like? Does it include him?
This. Isn’t. Love.
Can’t. Be.
I need a man with a plan, a savings account, a house. This situation has caution stamped all over it and like a fool, I let him in. And I’m not a betting woman but everything about this man has me wondering…
What if?